About Us

Hi Dear Mommies and To Be Mommies and All Parents of Beautiful Babies,

I have developed this site after I faced several problems before, during and after pregnancy. This site is dedicated to all the women and parents out there who have gone through tremendous pain and suffering to get pregnant, taking care during pregnancy period and after delivery of the baby too.

There are lots of things that new parents are not aware of while raising their newborn baby. Several health precautions are necessary during various stages of pregnancy period and lots of women either do not know them or they completely ignore them. This site provides all types of precautions, care, possible treatments and at home remedies to overcome pregnancy issues and then do take good care of your newborn baby in a healthy environment.

I wish you very best luck and good fortunes to all the wannabe mothers, pregnant moms and moms with newborn babies. I hope I can help you in some way or the other by providing some useful and practical tips for mothers and parents out there.


Anita Mahadik